The use of essential oil thyme (thymus vulgaris) as herbal remedy for acne vulgaris
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Acne vulgaris

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SIQUEIRA, . S. C.; BRITO, . R. de; SILVA, . O. C. da. The use of essential oil thyme (thymus vulgaris) as herbal remedy for acne vulgaris. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 3, n. 1, p. 63–72, 2015. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v3i1.104. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory condition that affects the pilosebaceous unit, frequently affected by adolescents and young adults. Its etiology is multifactorial, but involves some hormonal factors, hereditary, disorder of follicular keratinization. Therefore, the action of P. acnes bacteria (Propionibacterium) is responsible for comedogenic proliferation. Its diagnosis is characterized by
polymorphism, including papules, comedones, pustules and abscesses accompanied by seborrhea. It is classified as non-inflammatory when there are only comedones, otherwise it is considered inflammatory, varying rate from I to IV. What can be realized is that conventional treatment for acne can cause side effects, especially for more sensitive skins as well as slow responses. It is believed that the aesthetics of knowledge area must be covered, providing a natural and less invasive alternative with low cost and high efficiency. For the treatment can be used herbal medicine which has the Phython term (plant) and Therapeía (Therapy), characterized by a free response of chemical medicines which makes the use of medicinal plants and their applications to health problems. This literature review aims to examine the antimicrobial property of the essential oil Thymus vulgaris in preventing acne vulgaris. It is an interesting from the point of phytotherapeutic under the cosmetic point of view due to its composition and antimicrobial action. You can have cosmetic applications, a medicinal plant used as a spice and as a medicine, essential oil acts on the lock of microbial growth, as an example we can mention the bacteria Propionibacterium. As a hypothesis, it is believed that the alternative treatment with the use of thyme is effective and feasible in a professional practice, and for that, is used as methodology the literature review. It is understood that the herbal remedy is configured as an excellent natural alternative to fight against acne and can be incorporated into professional practice of beauticians.
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