The benefits of microneedling in the treatmentt of aesthetic dysfunction
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Esthetic dysfunctions
Stimulation of collagen

How to Cite

LIMA, . A. de; SOUZA, . H. de; GRIGNOLI, . C. E. The benefits of microneedling in the treatmentt of aesthetic dysfunction. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 3, n. 1, p. 92–99, 2015. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v3i1.109. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


The micro-needling is an option for treating several aesthetic disorders of the skin, among them: acne scars, facial rejuvenation, stretch marks and gynoid lipodystrophy. The equipment consists of a roll in cylindrical shape covered with thin needles produced in
surgical stainless steel and its length may vary from a diameter of 0.25 mm to 2.5 mm. The treatment is performed by puncturing the stratum corneum without damaging the epidermis. This process allows the release of growth factors that will promote the production of new collagen and elastin in the papillary dermis. The purpose of this work is to gather scientific data to prove the effectiveness of micro-needling in facial aesthetic disorders, hair and body. This aesthetic use device aims to stimulate collagen production through skin punctures, causing an inflammatory process, thus, there is an increase in cell proliferation, particularly the fibroblasts, increasing then the proteins collagen and elastin, restoring the fullness of the fabric. It is through the growth factors that occurs this stimulation in collagen formation and elastin in the papillary dermis. Another function of micro needling technique is to increase the permeation of active principles cosmetic through the micro channels to facilitate absorption of the effectively active and can increasing the penetration of large molecules up to 80%. Therefore, it can be said that the combined action of micro-needling and cosmetic actives can potentialize the results. We may say that micro-needling technique proves to be effective in various aesthetic treatments, either by active or by permeation of collagen stimulation when used in isolation.
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