Inclusive education from a case of hemiparesis
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Inclusive education

How to Cite

VIEIRA, . A. da S. Inclusive education from a case of hemiparesis. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 2, n. 1, p. 58–66, 2023. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v2i1.122. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


The theme has elapsed inclusion of much controversy in the Brazilian educational system due to the complexity of factors to be analyzed for its implementation. Within this context, seeking to understand this reality and finding this challenge in the field of professional activity in which a student present with hemiparesis, this study sought to answer the following research problem. “As the process of inclusion of a student with Hemiparesis occurs in a school of vocational technical course of FAETEC public schools in the city of Duque de Caxias”. This research aims to analyze the school inclusion of this student, being delimited as part of investigation into school environment. Strategies for data collection methodology for qualitative approach were used, and, to obtain data, research will use the techniques of observation, interview and document analysis. Data analysis was supported by authors such
as, Carvalho (2003), Correia (1999) and Faccion (2005). Such contributions were important for the inclusive process, considering its limitations and possibilities. The results showed that the inclusion of this student is idealized by the school, but its realization depends on a redefinition of the school system and, especially, in the context of school inclusion. The main factor of this research is not merely to present a critique of the inclusion model studied, but provide subsidies that contribute to strengthen its effectiveness in the school environment.
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