Organizational climate
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Organizational climate
Organizational culture
People management

How to Cite

BEGNAMI, . L. V.; ZORZO, . Organizational climate: perceptions and applicability. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 1, n. 2, p. 38–47, 2013. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v1i2.123. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


The purpose of this work is known through literature review of the concepts of organizational climate and its applicability as a tool of management, reflect on the perceptions of employees towards the organization with the goal of improving the quality of interpersonal relations, environmental performance of production and services and decision-making. In the current context of globalization, organizations have suffered major impacts in its constitution with regard to the mode of production and labor relations. The challenges are faced by those who work with her and for her, so in people management is essential to be aware of the organizational culture and climate. Organizational culture is concretized by the behavior of the organization, relationships and values, which are established in the form organized networks and benchmarks for social behavior, where one can predict the individual and collective performance in the organizational environment. Organizational climate is the indicator of the degree of satisfaction of employees in relation to different aspects of the culture of the organization. Reading the organizational environment becomes an important tool to know and understand the internal environment from the mapping needs, perceptions, motivational aspects, determining the strengths, weaknesses, employee expectations. Within the organizational structure, the responsibility of the HR industry's liability measurement, it is recommended that is shared by professionals from different sectors and areas of training. The organizational climate research applied consciously and methodically becomes an instrument that ensures consistency in the changes in the search for efficiency, effectiveness and quality in its products and services can be performed by different techniques. Thus, it is concluded that the organizational climate research, as a tool for managing people is great ally in the ability of sustainability, and breaking paradigms, bringing the organization to change and innovation.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Maria Luiza Vechetin Begnami; Adalberto Zorzo


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