Analysis of scientific publications
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Neonatal ICU

How to Cite

COUTINHO, .; PAES, . A. D. C. Analysis of scientific publications: expertise in nursing at neonatal intensive care of Cuho-Uniararas. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 1, n. 2, p. 48–53, 2013. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v1i2.125. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit was created since 1960 and from this new perspective, there was a technological increasing and the knowledge control, favoring the increase of the premature and low weight newborn survival, but it was also increased the necessity of specialized professional education to work in this area. The expertise degree in Nursing at Neonatal Intensive Care exists since 2002, but it was since 2005 that the publications started been permanently registered in proceedings. The purpose of this study was to analyze the scientific production of the degree in Nursing at Neonatal Intensive Care, published in the proceedings of the nursing postgraduation meeting of Centro Universitário Hermínio Ometto (CUHO). It was done a retrospective documental research analyzing the proceedings published at the nursing postgraduation meeting, from the degree in Nursing at Neonatal Intensive Care, of CUHO. This study was approved by the Ethics Commission of CUHO, respecting the ethics and bioethics principles of the human being ressarches according to resolution n. 196/96, report n. 562/2011. After the data search, it was obtained the results according to the subjects: nursing care; humanization; nursing administration; nursing care and humanization; nursing care and administration. Although this study was limited to the existing publication at a teaching institution it was possible to identify the affinity to the subjects care and humanization. It is pointed out the necessity of incentives to the nurses about the importance to research and to spread about the nursing acts, at the care, administration, research and education subjects. It is believed that this is the best way to strengthen, to improve and to substantiate the nurse professional to an ethical, humanistic and scientific performance.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Gisele Coutinho; Irani Aparecida Dalla Costa Paes


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