Non-formal education
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Non-formal education

How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, . C. de; DIAS, . S. Non-formal education: the instrument of liberation and trasformation?. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 5, n. 2, p. 1–9, 2017. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v5i2.140. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


This article presents a study of a Course Completion Work, carried out in contexts of non - formal education that aimed to reflect about non - formal education as an instrument of liberation and social transformation, from the perspective of psychology professionals. It was assumed as theoretical foundations, the assumptions of the liberating education of Paulo Freire. Historicaldialectical materialism was adopted as a method in order to enable the interpretation and analysis of the phenomenon studied. For the data collection, we conducted semi-structured interviews with three psychologists from different non-formal educational institutions. The information collected was systematized into categories based on Content Analysis. The results showed that, based on the reports of psychology professionals, non-formal education is a first step in the process of liberation and transformation in the lives of those who integrate non-formal educational spaces. However, the question is whether this educational modality, as an instrument in everyday practice participants effectively collaborated for human formation, in a more integral and comprehensive way, above all, in the sense of breaking with unequal social structures, to overcome situations and conditions of oppression to which they are subjected.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Beatriz Cristina de Oliveira; Camila Santos Dias


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