The use of acids and bleaching assets associated with microaging in the tratment of hyperromic stains
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MOURA, . C. de; MIRANDA, .; GRIGNOLI, . C. M. E.; SEGANTIN, . de C. The use of acids and bleaching assets associated with microaging in the tratment of hyperromic stains: case study. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 5, n. 2, p. 34–45, 2017. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v5i2.144. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


In an increasingly competitive world, physical appearance patterns have become an important aspect of society and hyperchromias, especially facial, cause some disruption to the individual's well-being in society. Hyperchromias are disorders pigmentation that originate in an exacerbated production of melanin. They arise by several factors such as: aging, hormonal changes, inflammations, sun exposure, among others. Skin hyperchromias are generally a difficult condition to treat, so there is a tendency to indicate combined procedures for treating them. Microagglutting is a treatment option for various aesthetic dysfunctions of the skin, such as problems of pigmentation, wrinkles, acne, scars, and facial rejuvenation, in addition to enhance the permeation of cosmetological assets, since the micro-injuries facilitate the absorption of the asset. Another option of treatment are the alpha-hydroxyacids, which are efficient chemical peels in the treatment of wrinkles, dehydration, thickening and irregular skin pigmentation. The depigmenting cosmetics have active principles intended to lighten the skin by attenuating hyperchromias. The action of such principles actives happens through different mechanisms of action, but all are linked to interference in the production or transfer of melanin. The objective of this case study was to analyze the efficacy of the combined action of microaggregation associated with bleaching actives in the treatment of hyperchromic spots. The study consisted of a female volunteer, aged 31 years, presenting hyperchromic spots in the malar region, diagnosed and evaluated through facial anamnesis. Shortly after the microaggregation and whitening sessions were performed, with a frequency of 1 session per week, with duration of 01 hour, totaling 10 sessions. It was possible to conclude that the combination therapy proposed in this case study was effective both in the clearing of hyperchromias and in the improvement of the general appearance of the skin.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2017 Maria Cristiana de Moura; Jackeline Miranda; Laura Cristina Maretto Esquisatto Grignoli; Janaína de Cássia Segantin


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