Association of manual lymphatic drainage and phatotherapy in lipoedema
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Lymphatic drainage

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SANTOS, . C. de S. dos; MOREIRA, . A. R. Association of manual lymphatic drainage and phatotherapy in lipoedema: case study. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 5, n. 2, p. 55–63, 2017. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v5i2.148. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


Introduction: Among the various aesthetic treatments currently used, lymphatic drainage and phototherapy (Laser and Led) are some treatments lipoedema, helping to clear the lymph, and in combination, the use of phototherapy to stimulate fibroblasts in the production of collagen. Objective: To analyze, through the case study, the effects of manual lymphatic drainage associated with phototherapy in the treatment of lipoedema. Methodology: The present study had a volunteer of the female gender at the age of 21 years ,who presented lipoedema.Was evaluated through body anamnesis, besides the analysis of photos with the help of ImageJ® software. Subsequently, manual lymphatic drainage and phototherapy sessions were performed. The device used in the sessions was the MMOptics® brand, a total of 10 sessions were performed twice week at the Body Aesthetics Laboratory of the Hermínio Ometto Foundation – FHO. . Results: According to the results analyzed by ImageJ® software, it can be observed that the right side of the gluteal and thigh region at the beginning of the treatment presented 1,846 cm (area) and the side of the gluteus region and the left thigh presented 1.571 cm (area). After the association of lymphatic drainage and phototherapy, there was a decrease in the treated area, where the values obtained were right side 1.37 cm (area) and left side 0.14 cm (area), and the values obtained in the survey were measured through the analysis of certain areas of the selected regions for study. Conclusion: The case study performed may conclude that there was an improvement in the region that received both isolated or associated treatments. However, the isolated treatment of phototherapy showed an improvement, more evident than we can observe in the association of manual lymphatic drainage and phototherapy. Thus, in this case study, the beneficial effects of phototherapy on the treatment of lipoedema were demonstrated. However, it will be necessary to carry out more scientific research on the subject of phototherapy in the treatment of lipoedema, especially with regard to the phototherapy parameter and the greater number of.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Luana Cristina de Sousa dos Santos; Juliana Aparecida Ramiro Moreira


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