Laser and led use in the facial rejuvenation treatment
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Rejuvenation face

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OLIVEIRA, . V. de; AUGUSTO, .; MOREIRA, . A. R. Laser and led use in the facial rejuvenation treatment: literature review. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 5, n. 2, p. 70–77, 2017. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v5i2.150. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


Laser and LED are non-invasive light therapies that promote various effects such as chemical changes, biomodulation and selective photothermolysis. They are often used for various treatments and among them facial rejuvenation, promoting various benefits from increased collagen and elastin production. The objective of this research was to analyze the effects of laser and led in the treatment of facial rejuvenation through a literature review. This is a review of the literature, which used publications published from 1990 to 2016, from February 2016 to September 2016 in books, articles and journals by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) , Pubmed, Bireme. Regarding the researches used in the development of the article, it was approached evaluations about the use of low intensity laser and LED equipment for the treatment of facial region rejuvenation. In view of the literature review, it was evident that the laser and LED devices show significant results in face rejuvenation because of the significant improvement of the tissue characteristics, such as firmness, elasticity, texture and stain control. It was concluded that different techniques performed with laser and led equipment, bring improvements in the typical characteristics of photoaging, increasing the activity of mitochondrial cells, resulting in greater elasticity, firmness and viscosity to aging skin according to the literature.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Heloísa Villa de Oliveira; Débora Augusto; Juliana Ap. Ramiro Moreira


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