The absence of heartbeats and the cessation of respiratory activities is referred to as Cardiopulmonary Arrest (CPA), which has numerous causes. Among them are acute myocardial infarction, cardiovascular diseases, car accidents, respiratory obstruction, and hemorrhages. Approximately 18.6 million people die each year worldwide due to cardiovascular diseases. According to the American Heart Association, 40% of individuals who experience out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation initiated by laypersons. The objective of this study is to develop an educational booklet targeted at the general public. It is a methodological study aimed at gathering data for the construction of an educational technology on cardiopulmonary arrest, specifically designed for the population, through a literature review presented in the form of an educational booklet. The heart is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood throughout the body. In the case of CPA, there is inadequate blood flow, leading to irreversible consequences for vital organs after 5 minutes of arrest. Therefore, the earlier the recognition and aid provided to the victim, the higher the chances of survival. Health education guidance contributes to decision-making development, introducing new teaching models and building knowledge within the population. Thus, the educational booklet will serve as a high-quality teaching resource, enabling the population to easily access information on how to respond to a CPA. This will result in increased adherence to knowledge and confidence in performing the maneuvers effectively to enhance the victim's chances of survival. Additionally, the booklet will include step-by-step instructions on performing CPR, accompanied by educational images to facilitate comprehension among the population."
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lavínia Alves Ribeiro, Amanda de Campos Broggian de Pádua, Eduardo Gabriel Fernandes, Renata Grachet, Maria Luiza Moreira de Souza Ferreira, Antônio Francisco Peripato Filho