Performance of wine therapy in the delay of skin aging
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How to Cite

LIMA, . F.; SANTANA, . C. de J.; MOREIRA, . A. R. Performance of wine therapy in the delay of skin aging: literature review. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 6, n. 2, p. 1–8, 2018. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v6i2.35. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


The wine therapy is based in the use of the wine and cosmetics derivatives from the grapes and it is applayed by means of local heat of a face or body area, with the intention to promote the renewal of the skin acting in the prevention of premature aging because the same shows in the composition poliphenols helping the cells from the oxidative stress that causes it, also acts on the hydration and tonification of the skin. Besides the application with cosmetics resources; the other from of treatment that influences with a great efficiency, is lasting the wine in an adequade amount (300ml/cup per day) has the effect of reducing the mortality of cardiovascular diseases, inflamatory bowef diase, calorectal cancer that also increases the grouth of microflora because phenalics (no alcoholic) is one of the components present in the wine. The objective of this literary review was to show how the wine therapy technique can act in the prevention of skin aging. With the use of the methodology for this literature review, electronic databases such as Google Scholar and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) were used as data bases from September 2017 to June 2018, and books and periodicals with a date of publication between 1988 and 2016. From a bibliographical review, knowledge about aging was systematized, especially the same is caused by external and internal factors, and an assessment was made of its relationship with wine therapy. It has been recognized that resveratrol present in grape (wine) has antioxidant action and for this reason can be used as a therapy that slows aging.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Aline Fernanda Lima; Emanuelle Cristiny de Jesus Santana; Juliana Ap. Ramiro Moreira


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