Comparative study of the expiratory muscle strength assessement, expiratory flow peak, and quality of life of pilates and sedentary practitioners
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Respiratory muscle strength
Pilates method

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SALINO, . B.; CARDOSO, . L.; FERNANDES, . E.; FERREIRA, . S. Comparative study of the expiratory muscle strength assessement, expiratory flow peak, and quality of life of pilates and sedentary practitioners. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 6, n. 2, p. 9–16, 2018. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v6i2.36. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


Introduction: The Pilates Method is composed by a variety of exercises that aim, among other things, proper posture and efficient breathing, resulting in a better life quality. During its practice, there is emphasis on breathing, accomplished through quiet inhalation and forced expiration. It’s believed that the Pilates Method can influence the strength of the expiratory musculature of its practitioners. The strength of the respiratory muscles can be assessed by a manovacuometer (MEP) and indirectly, by a PeakFlow, which evaluates the maximum peak expiratory flow. Objective: To compare the strengh of the expiratory musculature, the maximum Peak Expiratory Flow and the life quality of Pilates Method practitioners and of sedentary people. Methodology: 20 female subjects, aged between 50 and 65, were invited to take part in the study, being 10 practitioners of Pilates for at least 6 months, twice a week and 10 sedentary. All of them underwent MEP, PeakFlow and the Brazilian version of the Short form-36 quality of life questionnaire. Results: There was no significant difference between the groups in expiratory musculature strengh (p=4) as well as in and peak expiratory flow (p=0.2). In the Short form-36 questionnaire, only in the vitality domain, there was a higher value with a significant difference for the Pilates group in relation to the sedentary group score (p=0.03). Conclusion: For this experiment, the Pilates Method didn’t interfere with expiratory muscle strength, however, it may reflect on the improvement of the its practitioners’ quality of life.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Jéssica Braido Salino; Andréa Luciana Cardoso; Camila Eduarda Fernandes; Jéssica Silva Ferreira


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