The use of reflexology in gastritis treatment
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How to Cite

ROSSI, . B.; BORTOLUCCI, . H.; HORA, . C. B. da. The use of reflexology in gastritis treatment. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 4, n. 1, p. 10–18, 2016. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v4i1.70. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


Alternative methods have been used for years as a form of treatment of physical diseases, and among them is foot reflexology, which consists of the study of the connection of nerve plexuses located in the feet with organs, systems and emotional states. The objective of this work is to describe, through literature review, the pathogenesis and main causes of gastritis, highlighting the benefits that reflexotherapy can generate in individuals affected by this disease. Scientific studies point to disorders and gastrointestinal diseases as reasons for the search for reflexotherapy as a form of treatment, especially when related to stress and other emotional changes. The treatment of gastritis should not be considered in isolation, and an evaluation of the patient is necessary to define the causes involved with the stomach problem, helping in the selection of the target points for reflexotherapy, in order to improve the functioning of the affected organ, relaxing hyperstimulated areas and functions and rebalancing the
organism as a whole. Gastritis can be detected by the presence of a hardened or sensitive part just below the skin in the reflex zone corresponding to the stomach. The stimulation of this area, the anti-inflammatory areas and the solar plexus, involving the adrenal reflex points and kidneys, as well as the liver, is indicated. The effect on the use of foot reflexology in the treatment of diseases or pain is positive and is recommended to complement other treatment, treat symptoms withoutdiagnosis, prevent diseases or even diagnose any dysfunction in the body. It is necessary to carry out scientific studies aimed at describing the mechanism of action of this technique in the treatment of gastritis so that it is increasingly accepted by the population in general and by oriental medicine, so that it can be made accessible through the health system.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Elizangela Beatriz Rossi; Thaís Helena Bortolucci; Daisy Cristina Borges da Hora


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