Study on the unthinking use of benzodiazepines performed on a particular drugstore located in the city of Ibaté-SP
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How to Cite

MARCO, . A. de; NAVARRO, . F.; CONTIERI, . B. Study on the unthinking use of benzodiazepines performed on a particular drugstore located in the city of Ibaté-SP. Revista Científica da FHO/Uniararas, Araras, SP, v. 3, n. 2, p. 20–29, 2015. DOI: 10.55660/revfho.v3i2.77. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 oct. 2024.


The occurrence of the disordered use of benzodiazepines, easy access to drugs consumers, conceives numerous effects to patients who become dependent on them. Because of the recurrence of these effects, this study statistics on the sale of five major existing benzodiazepines in the pharmaceutical market achieved in the year 2014 in a private drugstore in the city of Ibaté, São Paulo, in order to evaluate and identify the possible factors that motivate users to make use of this drug medication group. The methodology was based on a field survey, through which sought to quantify how many boxes and tablets were sold, how many patients used the neuropharmaceuticals as well as the sex and age of those people. With the results, we found that the sale of these anxiolytics is quite significant and that the number of patients who used these substances was less than the number of retained notifications, allowing to observe that there was continued use of treatment in some patients consecutive months. In addition to the sample on the number of sales of anxiolytics, through research noted the prevalence of women and elderly people who consumed the neuropharmaceuticals during the year, which may be associated with recent studies indicating that individuals may be using tranquilizers for they represent an easier and achievable feature to ease their personal deadlocks. Thus, it can be said that health professionals are directly linked to easy access of benzodiazepines by the population and that the company does not have sufficient guidance with regard to the risk of development of dependence, tolerance and serious side effects.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Bianca Aparecida de Marco; Fernanda Flores Navarro; Natália Bertini Contieri


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