Currently it's discussed in the business scenery the importance of attending the demand of qualified professionals and keeping them updated with continuing education. On this context, the pedagogy profesional is gaining more field to work on selection and development of the company's Human Resources, once it's considered as a social enviroment, the professional development and learning must occur significantly. Besides, the professional responsable for this process can have paralel assignments on the Human Resources Department with undefined functions and lack of cohesive acting. Against these facts, this study is meant to, by qualitative research, verify the business pedagogue routine through applying a questionary, unveiling assignments and efective actions on his performance in the company,knowing his difficulties and resolutions from the everyday problems and compare the practice with the researched theory of the field and theme.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Ademir Pinto Adorno de Olivera Junior; Cláudia Cristina Fiorio Guilherme